Mourmarie Mone's Helios

Celestial Object in EVE Echoes

Mourmarie Mone's Helios

Mourmarie Mone's Helios
Celestial Object

“The preservation of the Federation, its interests abroad, its culture and peoples, and the respect and pride in its traditions, are priority one for any true Gallente citizen. We are here to ensure that our way of life is not threatened, our livelihood is extant, and the freedom that we so love is available to every citizen. For this purpose, the freedom to enforce security is at our disposal.”- Mourmarie Mone, Constellation Director, Black Eagles


  • Name
    Mourmarie Mone's Helios
  • Type
    Celestial Object
  • Category
    Celestial Body
  • Group
    Agents in Space
  • Faction Group